Cash Gifting With Values

gift of cash

So, What is Cash Gifting With Values About?

I decided on the name cash gifting with values, because I wanted people to know that I truly care about their success.

While it is true that when you give a cash gift to someone, you are giving it as a gift and expecting nothing in return, you are really giving your gift because you have heard of the law of attraction…you would like gifts given to you.

No one in the cash gifting sector gave their money and didn’t expect money in return one day.

The people on my team achieved their success honestly, without convincing people to give them money. People gave because they would like to change their lives and that is what I help those on my team do, create an entirely different and all together better life for themselves and their families.

Visit Http:// Take a look around. Contact me with questions. You can be prosperous!

To Your Success!

Thamani L. Draft

Five Free Ways to Promote Cash Gifting

free marketing


Cash gifting is an activity that requires an open mind, consistency, and the desire to be successful. There are a variety of marketing strategies that can really change your finances. Here are 5 free ways to promote cash gifting.


Promote your cash gifting program on Facebook. Open a Facebook account if you haven’t already. Post valuable content on your page. However, be yourself. Share your likes and dislikes…your hobbies and only post positive messages. Everything you post should not be about your program. Visit your friend’s pages and write comments on their post. Visit other groups and post content. Post on a daily basis.


Blog daily or every other day if possible. If you haven’t created an online presence, this is the key to creating one. By getting your name “out there”, you are showing those who may be looking for financial freedom that you are a good person to follow. Be an “open book” as far as your beliefs and values are concerned. If you have not had success yet, don’t talk about your failures or struggles. Instead, write about the success stories of others.

Post Ads

Post ads to free sites daily. It may take 2 or 3 months before you see results. However, while it may take a little longer for you to see success, this really does work.

Join Groups

Search google for groups that focus on people who have home businesses. Apply for a free account and read post from various group members. Comment on their posts and make sure you have your website information listed as part of your signature. People will start to visit your site and the magic will begin.

Traditional Methods

Traditional marketing methods include posting and distributing flyers and using drop cards….the results for this method are similar to the ad method. Be prepared to do this on a consistent basis for at least a couple of months before you see results.


P.S. If you are ready to get started and are looking for a mentor, visit for more information.

P.P.S. Please leave comments below! If you found this content valuable, subscribe to my blog!

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Finding a Cash Gifting Mentor

money pants

I have discovered that finding a mentor is the most important thing you can do when deciding to make money online.~ Thamani Draft

What is a Mentor?

Your mentor will teach you how to market and the basics of how to get started. Your mentor will talk to your prospects for you. They are also there to answer questions you may have regarding gifting. Your mentor is someone who wants to see you succeed and gives you his/her real name and phone number where they can be reached.

Finding the Perfect Mentor

There is no “perfect” mentor. However, there are really strong people out there who can help you achieve your goals and dreams. Because cash gifting is a private activity, it’s important that you research the person you plan to have as your mentor. Do they have an online presence? Are the active on social media circuits?

I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing your mentor as much as possible. This could make the difference between success and failure.

To Your Success!

Thamani Draft


P.S. If you like this content and feel  you were helped in anyway, feel free to subscribe to my blog and go to my facebook page:

How To Obtain A Cash Gifting Invite

cash gifting

Cash Gifting is a private activity put together by a group of successful people, with a desire to help others become financially free.”~ Thamani Draft, what is cash gifting?

You visited my site Wealthy and Home and like what cash gifting has to offer you. You make the decision to offer a gift freely to me. You may choose from many levels. We offer levels as low as $150 and go as high as $10,000. After choosing an amount the gift is sent.

After the cash gift has been confirmed I extend an invitation to join the club. You are walked through the process of gaining access to the back office, where changes can be made to your

Once your account has been confirmed, you receive a website and auto responder.

The only suggestion which I make is to buy a domain name. This builds credibility. The name appears more professional than Domain names run about $10 per year.

You’re all set! You can now receive cash gifts. You should write a detailed “Meet Your Inviter” page in order for people to get to know you better. This is “My Story” marketing. People will connect with those who they share something in common with.

The back office provides allows you to manage your autoresponder. You will also find valuable training and marketing suggestions here. You are also able to view your prospects list and their contact information. If you choose to upload custom videos, send a newsletter, check your site’s daily and historical page views, or manage your callback requests it’s handled in the control manager.


Thamani Draft is an internet marketer, who can help you prosper with cash gifting. For more information, go here.